Get The Facts About RSS Everyone Wants to Know About RSS
Now You Can Be The One To Tell Them!
This is the book that demystifies RSS in easy to understand English. No Geek-Speak! Understanding RSS has never been easier!
RSS, Blogs and Syndication... The Facts vs The "guruese" Instant Download!
Right Here! Right Now!
If you are not using RSS to enhance your business YOU'RE MISSING THE BOAT! Don't be left behind...
POWER Your Business with RSS and Stay Ahead of the Competition!
Guaranteed Easy Read!
This book will teach you...
- What RSS really is -
Safe, secure, instant communications
- What it isn't -
- Where is came from -
See its potential
- Business applications -
Secure, one-to-many communication
- Publishing applications -
Direct-to-desktop, syndicatable distribution (non-email reliant)
- RSS for personal communications -
Keep in touch with family and friends without an address book
- What syndication is -
An extremely viral marketing tool
- How syndication works -
Massive distribution without massive effort
- Blogs vs Feeds -
Why they are not the same
And Much Much More!
Trina L.C. Schiller does something with her book *RSS, Blogs and
Syndication* that many people on the net have not done... give you the complete skinny (the facts) on RSS.". Trina's been down there in the trenches getting her hands dirty with RSS for well over a year. She knows her stuff.
This book is good, solid information on how to implement RSS and work it to YOUR OWN best advantage. I am proud to be associated with her. She's a good, honest operator and what we call here in Aussie, ' a good sport'.
Get the book, it's worth every shekel.
~ Kenneth Doyle www.feedyourhungrymind.com |
I'm Talking Bonuses! Yes! You Get Bonuses With This Book! 10 Bonus Products In All!
Instant Download!
This is the book you've been waiting for. Get The Facts, NOT Fiction!
To Understand RSS, Blogs and Syndication, You MUST Read This Book!
Here's what others have to say:
Hi Trina,
When you first suggested I read your book on RSS technology, I said " What I don't know about this technology, you could fill a book with! and you sure did with RSS Blogs and
This is terrific. Easy to understand and just what us timid folks need to really get going with this new Technology.
I have used this technology in the past with my Joe and Mable Show with little or no understanding of what I was doing.
I am now going to attack it with renewed vigor and energy. Jim Gray and Ken Doyle's chapters were a great help as well.
Kudos to you.
This is what all of us needed to get with the program. I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to remain a serious contender on the net.
Thanks so much for getting me involved.
~ Jane Mark
http://jpeadvertising.com |
"Pretty damn good for someone that's only been publishing, via RSS, for a year. So far it's better than the other crap I've been seeing the "gurus" come up with." ~ Jim Gray Co-creator of Quikonnex.com
"Nice job! Very informative and easy to read and understand."
~ Robert Puddy www.rssfeedpublisher.com
"Trina has presented all the info on these hot topics in lucid and easy to understand words. She knows her stuff. After reading this ebook, anyone can tame this technology easily and setup their-own RSS feeds in no time. I recommend this ebook to everyone wanting to start a content website that search engine spiders love."
~ Raam Anand Sales Page Analyzer
"Trina's e-book completely demystifies RSS in a way everyone can understand, and does so without taking a whole day of your time. If you want to know what RSS is and how to start using it quickly, this is for you."
~ Rok Hrastnik, author of Unleash the Marketing & Publishing Power of RSS
From The Desk Of:
Trina L.C. Schiller
RSS has been the talk of the net recently. Unfortunately, there has also been a great deal of misinformation floating around about it too. Outside of technical circles there has been much confusion and intimidation associated with the topic of RSS; what it is and what to do with it. RSS and its online marketing applications even confuses the "gurus".
I have been publishing my ezine, using an RSS feed, for more than a year now, with great success. My subscribership is constantly growing. My readers interact with me, and respond to what they read, I never end up in the trash bin, and I have more time to devote to the quality of my articles, rather than worry about whether or not
they will trigger a filter. I can even track the items posted to know what has been read, and how many times. I know my subscribers are actually reading my content.
As a result of this publishing success, I have also expanded into another application, for RSS, and co-created the Internet's first syndicated advertising agency, utilizing this same technology. Now I will demystify RSS for you. RSS can be used by anyone, anywhere! It is really much easier to learn than you think (or have been led to believe). Come, let me show you just how easy it is to use RSS for a veritable multitude of online promotional and
communication purposes.
 Publisher - The Trii-Zine Ezine
President - Ads-On-Q.com
Order your copy today and be the first to have the facts on how RSS can breathe new life into your business!
Here They Are... The 10 Bonuses That Come With This Book!
- FREE - A Brandable Copy of 'The Beginner's Guide To Syndication'
A quick and easy tutorial on creating your first RSS feed. Publish your RSS feed in just 8 steps!
- FREE - The 12 part Taming the eBeastie series, by Kenneth Doyle
Learn keyword research from the Master himself! Be the first to get each report as it is released. ($155.40 Value)
- FREE - Screen Shoot It Software (Take screen shots of your web pages!) A picture is worth a 1000 words, now create them for yourself!
- FREE - An HTML Tutorial (Learn to create HTML documents like a PRO!) Everything you ever wanted to know about creating terrific looking HTML pages of your own! This is HTML made easy!
- FREE - EditPlus2 HTML editor (Easily build great looking html pages!) Designing web pages requires an HTML editor, and you can't find a simpler one to use than this one. The perfect application for the beginner or veteran webmaster.
- FREE -Favicon Creator (Create your own icons!) Put your brand on your web pages by creating great icons from your favorite images files.
- FREE - Instant Marketing Library, by Stuart Reid
Are you a Marketer ready for the "next step"? This Package is for you... Forget the Junk! 25 Top Plans, Strategies and Systems To Make You A Master Marketer!
- FREE - Submit-O-Matic The web's original web site traffic builder software. Version 7.0 Drive more traffic to your web site!
- FREE - Web Design Mastery, by Shelley Lowery
Web Design Mastery was written to assist you in learning how to design a professional looking web page in the easiest possible fashion -- with copy & paste codes.
- FREE - Amazing Web Tools All the tools you need to create, maintain, promote and transform your web site into an eye-popping masterpiece! Resale rights included!
Get What The Gurus Don't...
The Truth About RSS Finally Understand RSS and What It Can Do For You!
Get The Book and All These Bonuses Only $34.95!
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